Some nasty bug got in to my kids bellies last week and every time they got better they got sick again! There was vomit, there was belly aches, and there was diarrhoea there was a very over it Mum!! Why do they always get the vomits when they are standing on the carpet? My kids don’t normally get gastro that much so they get upset when they vomit, but let me tell you after the last two weeks they are now pretty damn good at vomiting!
I figured out a few things that I wanted to share for the next time that nasty bug enters your home and works it’s magic on your kids! Don’t waste time putting them to bed at night as when they do vomit you now have to wash sheets, the mattress and maybe the carpet. Set them up on the floor, preferably one with tiles or floorboards (so much easier to clean up). They will need a bucket with paper towel in it (lowers the splash factor), tissues, drink of water and their 2nd favourite toy (you don’t want their favourite one getting ruined). If they are really sick they will even sleep there during the day with all the noise of TV, dinner cooking and a toddler toddling. Above is Little Miss 4 after a big puke, set up for the night of sleeping in the living room, how one can puke then pose for a photo with a big smile is beyond me!
It is really hard not to get angry at them when they puke but you just have to call on your inner Super Mum, hold their hair back, hug them risking vomit splash back and tell them they will be ok. Each time one got better the other one got it, it was nuts so it’s a good idea to make a no sharing anything rule just until they’ve kicked it. And if you get it, and you have a husband on hand, milk it girlfriend if you feel sick for one day, shit have two days in bed have one for me!!!
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