I am lucky enough to have two bathrooms in our home, or unlucky as it does mean double the cleaning, anyway! The kids bathroom can get a bit messy with their bits and pieces, and it can also be a battle ground when they are grumpy and tired at night or even in the mornings. So here’s my ideas on keeping your kids/guest bathroom/war zone in shape for that out of the blue mother-in-law visit!
Colour code. Mine are easy as Master 7 is blue and Little Miss 4 is pink, now throw in Mr Chilled 1, who wont be using the bathroom for a while but I am already keeping my eyes out for things like the other two have but in green. This way there are never any fights over who’s is who’s.
There are a few problems with our bathroom, the mirror is too high for the kids to see their little toothpaste covered faces so I have added a little persons mirror on the bench. Also their little legs don’t lift them up high enough to reach their stuff so they each have a step. They would fight at the sink and someone would get toothpaste spat on them, so by making a pink corner and a blue corner they now with out realizing it stand in their secretly allocated area to have their hair done, brush their teeth and wash their little vegemite faces. With my hand soap, instead of buying a new one each time I run out, I buy a $2 Coles brand 1Lt shampoo and use that to fill the soap bottle, works the same as soap and you get so much more out of it for less money. I am anti anti-bacterial products as I think we make our kids sicker by not letting them deal with bugs on their own so strawberry smelling shampoo it is for my kids.
We go through a lot of hand towels and face washers, so I gave up on folding them and putting them in the linen cupboard, they now live under the sink at little people height. So they help themselves to what ever they need as I have made everything little guy/gal height. When they are done they can put their baskets under the sink for a clutter free bathroom bench. Which is never, but the idea is there! Have a go at de-cluttering your bathroom, it will take away the “uggghhh look at this mess” feeling you have every time you walk in there, which if you are hydrated should be quite a few times a day!!!!
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