One thing I love about my house is my obsession with my rack, I’m talking about using vertical space, the dead space that everyone forgets about, but not me let me explain. If in your house things keep ending up on the floor then have a think about the vertical space, the space on the walls that can actually be a really great place to store stuff. I got my wall mounted hooks from Ikea, I think they were around $19 each. Once I got my first one I kept going back for more, now they are all over my house I truely find them that handy.
At the front door, where everyone comes in and wants to dump their stuff, our stuff is hung up on the hooks that are tucked away behind the door. So in summer it’s great for hats and in winter it’s great for coats and scarfs, any time it’s great for bike helmets. You can’t even get down the hallway without finding another set of hooks on the wall, really I can’t get enough of them. This one is a cute reminder that everything is ok now, you are home.
In the laundry I have one on an otherwise unused wall. It comes in really handy when I want to hang something delicate up to dry. It’s also great for a spot for the kids hats so when they head out the back to play they go via the laundry door so they grab their hat on the way. See my pumpkins out the laundry door!
They have even invaded my bedroom, I have one up on a wall that is the dead space behind the door. I hang my gym bag, my current handbag and the family swimming bag up, beats shoving them all in the wardrobe.
Speaking of wardrobes, here is another one, now do you understand what I mean I am obsessed with them! This one has is super handy keeps things off the floor out of the drawers in the walk in robe. I have hooks on the backs of most doors through out the house as well, good for hanging dressing gowns or wet towels etc. I also have a few around the kids end of the house at little people height so they hang up their towels and school bags see my post on School Survival Secrets for the idea. So have a think about the vertical space in your house and you might be able to clear up some clutter off the ground and move it to a rack of hooks, nice rack right!

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