I am not talking a financial sum of money you pay each month to a huge company in case one day you need treatment, I am talking about what you can do to ensure your own health each day. I wonder if you were to go forward 10 years would you like what you see? Would you still be telling yourself things like “I will start tomorrow” or would you have already started?
Here are some ideas you can do for yourself to ensure your health
1. Eat Super Foods. Super Foods are all the rage at the moment but they have science to back them up. These are foods that have super amounts of nutrients essential to good health. Why would you have a chocolate milkshake when you could have a blueberry smoothie full of antioxidant’s and vitamin C & A. Swap one tea or coffee a day for a green tea. Swap dessert for yogurt and nuts. Swap mashed potato for broccoli. Swap steak for turkey. Try and eat as many super foods a day as you can.
2. Drink Lots Of Water. Drinking lots of water needs to become a habit, I bet you send your little peeps to school with a bottle of water each day, so why don’t you have one. Drinking water replaces temptation to drink high cal sugary chemical explosion drinks. If you are dehydrated you will find you feel flat and tired maybe you’ll even end up with a headache. Water also flushes your toxins out keeping your skin looking younger.
3. Eat Foods That Boost Your Metabolism. Green tea gets another mention here, as does broccoli, yogurt, turkey and oatmeal all revving up your metabolism. Soups high in protein, so chicken, for example get things moving and keep you feeling fuller for longer. Chili and garlic, did you know garlic blocks sugar and fat absorption, get on it girls. Cinnamon can also help the way you metabolize sugars.
4. Take A Multivitamin. If you can’t get it all in your diet you can catch it up with a multivitamin, just buy the one that you can afford they are all the same at the end of the day. Especially if you are trying to conceive or already pregnant take a Folate pregnancy intended type for some peace of mind.
So by making these healthy choices today you really do have a say in what you will feel, look like and who you will be in the future, sh*t you even get a say in how long you get to spend on this big blue and green planet by looking after yourself. When you know better you do better, so do your own research and educate yourself on how to do better, take an interest in your health. The other thing is the little people are watching and learning a lot of their habits from you so you have a say in their health insurance too! No pressure!
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Good advice Renee and really not hard to do if we put the excuses aside.
Bree, it sure is worth the effort thanks for reading. R