Valentines Day always starts off a bit miserable when your husband is far away in another state for work, so you hold your chin up and go about your day as normal. My day was made when the kids said they had something for me for Valentine’s Day and they just gave me the biggest hug, made my day, made my week. It was all a bit quiet, home from the gym, kids at school/kindy, Mr Chilled 1 down for a nap, then the knock at the door. Is it someone trying to sell me solar panels again or is it a flower delivery guy? So I run to the door! OMG, he totally remembered what an amazing wonderful, hot, kind, caring, nurturing, loving, organised, flower loving wife I am and sent me roses!
I’ve seen all the “Happy Hallmark Day” comments on facebook but you know what, there is nothing wrong with keeping a little romance in your life and if it takes a (now quite commercialised) day to remember it then so be it. Thanks for the roses babe!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all, if you haven’t got roses (yet) you can share mine!

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