Well it’s Easter Sunday and Easter Bunny made his big entrance last night and dropped off lots of yummy chocolate bunnies and eggs! Today we have a bit of a family Easter dinner to catch up with my littlest sister and bro in-law who are down from Darwin and eat more chocolate, oh make it stop.
Our family were on ‘sweets’ duty so here is a look at what we came up with today to take to the family Easter dinner. We made chocolate cup cakes, a favourite in this house! Iced them and decorated them with cute little pink eggs, you guessed more chocolate on the inside.
The kids also had fun decorating a packet of Arrowroot biscuits to make them look like Easter eggs. These are some fun cheep ideas to do with the kids, then when we go out tonight they can proudly state ‘look what we made’! Downside I am now forced to taste test a cupcake and an Easter egg biscuit, with my cup of tea!
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