You know they grow but do you really know how much, this way shows you exactly how they’ve sprouted from last year
Last year I had an idea to take a picture of all the Grand kids sitting together on a couch in order of birth for a cute little keep sake of the day. I remember a photo of me, my sister and my cousins sitting on a step at my Nanna’s taken about 30 years ago and thought it would be great for our kids to have something like that also. So the kids were sat on the couch in birth order and I took the pic and didn’t really think that much more of it.
Since we were at the same house for Christmas 12 months later it seemed silly not to take the same photo on the same couch in the same order to mark their growth. I don’t think anyone in the family who see’s this will believe their eyes. The years worth of growth for each little nugget is remarkable. I am sharing this as I think it is such a great idea and you might like to try it too. I think we will keep taking this same picture each Christmas to capture their amazing growth and development. There is another little Grand baby due in May, so someone might need to get a bigger couch to keep up this now yearly family tradition!
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