Each time I have a baby at exactly the six month mark all my hormone levels return to normal I guess, and my hair would start to fall out and my nails would become brittle and weak like paper. This has happened with each baby however with number three it was really bad that every time I touched something my nails would flake a break it was horrible.
So I stood at the vitamin section of the supermarket and read all the little bottles that promised great improvements to hair and nails, not really believing their clams but it was getting so bad that anything was worth a go. I decided on a Swisse brand called Hair Skin Nails, paid a whopping $20 for it and took it each day with my flaking nailed fingers crossed.
Within two weeks the improvement was remarkable, my nails were all of a sudden growing stronger and faster as if I were pregnant all over again. The skin around my nails healed up and the nails became strong, I could also notice a difference in my hair it seemed shinier and even seemed to grow a bit more! This is by no way a paid review I am just genuinely so impressed with this product that I wanted to pass it on to any other mums suffering from hormonal related nail and hair disasters! Now I am no hand model so don’t laugh but I wanted to show my new strong healthy nails!
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