I have been invited to work with Citrus Australia to promote awareness about the health benefits of oranges, which I participated in a ten day challenge. They are challenging Australians to eat one whole orange every day for ten days to take advantage of all the nutritious benefits this super fruit has to offer. As an advocate for health and fitness I thought this was something worth getting on board with!
As you probably know, oranges are a great source of vitamin C, but this isn’t all they are good for – oranges also have tons of nutrients (such as folate and antioxidants) that help keep our bodies happy and healthy. Oranges have maybe fallen out of our kids lunch boxes as they have the peel factor, with everyone in such a hurry who’s got time to peel an orange? You do, and if you are not you should be. Why spend money on vitamin C tablets for the kids when they can just eat an orange.
So I was sent a case of freshly-picked, organic Australian oranges to participate in the challenge. An orange a day challenge in June. With snotty nose kids around, our immune system works incredibly hard to protect our bodies against infections and diseases, it’s important we support it wherever we can.
Eating one juicy orange a day is the perfect way to do just that. As vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, it is not stored in the body and is therefore required to be consumed daily. When was the last time you ate an orange? I bet you’ve forgotten how sweet and refreshing they are, I had. Go buy and eat some oranges. Thank you Mr 8 for your awesome photography!!
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My boys have cut oranges during half time at their soccer games. Yummo!