14 DAYS & 14 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2014
What holds you back? Or is it who holds you back? Or be brutally honest, is it you that holds you back? Why haven’t you followed your dreams? Why haven’t you fulfilled your goals in the past? Why haven’t you lost the last 5kgs? Why haven’t you finished your uni you started? Why wont you change jobs? Why? Be honest here, such a simple question can answer a lot about where you are at right now. There is sh* t holding you back and this year you need to find ways around it or remove the sh*t from your life.
I’ve finally learnt what holds me back, it’s me! But not any more the above message really stuck a chord with me one day and I realised I was in fact holding myself back by thinking of the things I am not rather than the things I am or could be. I am now living a better more fulfilling life just by believing in myself more and doing the things I want to do.
Time to stop missing out on opportunities, fun, living your best life because you think you can’t. It is time to start believing and achieving the things you once thought you couldn’t. Only you can make these changes but I promise they will be worth making.
HOMEWORK: Write in your diary what holds you back and ways to cut them out for good. Try something that you’ve always thought you couldn’t do.
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