When I was in primary school I remember having a love for running. I have this memory of reluctantly entering a Fun Run at a sports day and running my butt off to win. I have no idea how old I was or how far the run was but I know I was the first girl across the line that day and it really empowered me. From that moment on I had this feeling of achievement, that if I applied myself I could do anything I wanted to I just had to push myself. I was already competitive being the eldest of four girls but now I had this edge, I believed in myself, I got a kick out of winning and an even bigger kick out of beating boys! I also remember in High School each year entering the 800m, 1500m runs and always coming 1st or 2nd. Then after school I joined the Army at 18 and all of a sudden running became a chore, the Army sure knows how to take the fun out of running let me tell you. So I only ran when I had to and my love of running had evaporated and I now hated it.Me age 8 when I won my First Fun run in Primary School, check out those legs!
In March of last year just eight weeks after my giant 10lbs2oz third child was born via my third c-section I headed back to the gym with 17kgs to shed. I took it easy and started back at my favourite classes Body Pump and RPM and figured this is just how I am now as I have had three kids and three c-sections I will never get my body back and I’m ok with that. Then I heard the gym was starting a running group and they were entering the 12km City to Bay Fun Run in September. This seemed like a great goal to set and achieve and maybe get a bit fitter along the way, so I was in 100%! I told everybody so I would be accountable and have to stick to my goal!At the finish line of my first 10km Fun Run with my proud kids last year in August
Training started in June, so I was five months post baby brain and on a mission to get fit. The first training session nearly killed me, I could hardly keep up, but this made me want it even more. We trained at the gym in a group of mostly women two days a week and I actually made some great mates. In August there was a local 10km Fun Run being held so me and my mate entered as a way to test our training. We smashed it, 10kms in well under an hour we were so proud, so stuffed but we were officially runners! I had my husband drag the kids along as I wanted them to see me achieve a goal that I had set, I wanted them to see their Mum cross the finish line.
Finish line of the 12km City to Bay Fun Run with my running buddy Kristen in Sep
Then September rolled around and we were pumped for the 12km City to Bay Fun Run. I was in the early stages of a cold and the day of the run was 31 degrees so it wasn’t looking good. There was no backing out we had worked hard for this and we were in it together. Our goal was just to finish the 12kms but I had a secret goal of coming in under 1 hour. Again I had my husband drag the kids in, this meant dropping me off at the gym at 4am for us to bus it to the city. He drove to the finish line at the beach with the kids and waited. I wanted this to happen as I wanted them to see their Mum was more than just a sandwich making, floor mopping, cake baking chick that she could run a 12km race and they too could do what ever they set their mind to. The other great thing was I ran for the Children’s Starlight Foundation and raised a whopping $390 to help sick children thanks to my supportive family and friends.
The run was great it was an amazing atmosphere I have never seen the city shut down and I have never seen that many people all taking part in one cause, 12kms of people lining the track cheering. We ran our legs off we came in at 1hr3mins which was amazing having had a baby eight months ago. I was super proud of what I had done, and what I had shown my kids I could do.
If you are bored with your training, or want to start getting fit but don’t know where to start have a think about running. It sure will shift those last 5kgs that you can’t move and it is a real motivation a paid for Fun Run event approaching. You are thinking you are not a runner I can read your mind, but you are, we all are. Look at your kids, they run from the kitchen to their bedroom, then back to the lounge right, because human beings are designed to run. Not to sit at a computer or in a car, you are a runner you just have to remember how. Start slow and build up to it, running is 90% in your head, if you have given birth you can run any distance!
The Mother’s Day Classic is coming up and it’s held in most states. Google it, get a running/walking buddy and enter. It’s a great motivator and you get a chance to raise some much needed money for breast cancer research. You will be amazed at what you can achieve, you are truely capable of so much more than you think you are. Also what a great lesson you can teach your children, that anything is possible.
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luv ur stuff,nice and real and very easy to read