Have you made the switch to fabric shopping bags yet, once you do at first it will be a real pain. At first you will leave them home every time and end up buying 4 new ones each time you are at the check out. Then slowly you will start to remember to take them but you will leave them in the car, and again be forced to buy new ones at the check out.
Today I am going to help you evolve in to the era of fabric shopping bags and show you ways I have found that helped me. At one stage I had about 20 of them so I was forced to come up with a way to make it work.
So you have just done the shopping, you come home, drag all the bags on to the kitchen bench. Unload one bag at a time, once the bag is empty flatten it. Flatten each bag as you empty it, and start a pile of flat fabric shopping bags.
Once they are all empty, pick them up and pop them in the cooler bag, you are returning them to their mothers pouch, ok too far but you get it right. Then zip it up and right then and there go out and put it back in the boot of the car for the next time. Don’t leave it in the garage or by the front door, put them back in the car that way you wont get caught out ever again!

Good thinking! I always have mine in a pile by the front door then kick myself when I get to the shops. I then sometimes buy a new fabric bag once I’m at the shops, just to add it to the pile near the front door! Any tips you have to offer will be gratefully accepted 🙂
I had the same problem! I had them on the pantry floor, by the front door, in the garage! But by folding them flat and putting them in the cooler bag, zipping it up, and forcing yourself to put it right back in the car as soon as you are done putting the shopping away, it will soon become habit! R