It’s been a long four months let me tell you. It’s a tough gig being at home with three people under the age of 9. So when my Mum offered to have all three kids for Saturday night as if I was going to say no! I packed their little sleepover bags, and got them ready. As soon as I had received loads of boogie nose kisses and they drove off waving, I raced inside grabbed my bag and shoes and headed out to hit the shops kid free!!!!
I had been dying to go shopping, there are a few things I really wanted to get and it is always so hard dragging Mr One along everywhere I go. He get’s tired around 11am and needs to go to bed and that’s around my peek shopping mood time so we clash, he wins, we go home, he goes to bed. No new clothes for me.
First I headed to the food court as I was starving, grabbed something to eat and a coffee to go as I had some serous shopping to do! The first store I went to I was ready, I loaded up with some shorts to try on and as I picked up a cute skirt, to this moment I still don’t understand how it happened, my hot coffee fell out of my hand, down my front and splashed all over the shop floor. Let’s just say it was too hot to drink and now was running all down the front of my only white summer dress I have ever owned! This is why Mum’s shouldn’t wear white! Really did that just happen, shut up! I kind of stood there for a moment thinking that can’t happen. But the hot liquid all down my front told me otherwise. It was a case of put down anything I thought I was going to try on, find a shop lady break it to her the mess I had just made, and get my coffee stained self out of there. It was dripping down my legs at this point!
I was devastated. I am kid free, I am in a shopping centre, I have been dying to go shopping, I am covered in brown. After contemplating just buying something to change in to, I was defeated and it was a quick very embarrassing dash to the car fighting back tears. I got in the car and still couldn’t believe it, my life is sh*t, all I wanted to do was go shopping, for ages, kid free shopping, now I need to get home asap. There is no one to hug me and say don’t worry about it, there is no one to tell me how to get coffee out of white material. There is also no point crying over spilt coffee right! Ha ha just thought of that then. Get home, change, it’s now 4pm, days done. Put my PJs on, make myself a chicken salad sit down to watch some TV (can’t remember the last time I sat and ate or watched uninterrupted TV). Phone rings, can I pick up Little Miss 4 she is feeling sick and thinks she might vomit.
OMG, really. Get dressed. Reconsidered crying about spilt coffee. Picked up Little Miss Sick and spent the evening watching TV with her. Realising shopping is over rated and it was nice to just have sometime with Little Miss 4. I guess the message I wanted to share is summed up in the title, just because you are having a bad day, doesn’t mean you have a bad life. I have bad days, life looks beautiful, carefree and easy on my blog, but I have bad days too but the trick is to remember it is only a day!
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