Over the years I have always made an effort to display what ever piece of artwork my little artist has created be it how wonderful or how average it looked! With Little Miss 4 now at Kindy I am being bombarded daily with artwork and the fridge was starting to look like a cluttered mess. So I went in search of a new art gallery and it came to me when I, lets just say I was having a loo break. The view from the loo was very boring and I had the perfect way to change that, I turned the kids loo in to a little classroom.
These posters were already up on the toilet wall, the alphabet one was from when Master 7 was little. It has survived all this time and now Little Miss 4 is benefiting from it.
When Master 7 started showing an interest in maths up went the times table chart, which has been handy for him, and me!! I often walk past the loo and one of the kids will be in there and I can hear them learning.
So with the rest of the space on the walls up went the art work, and that is only half of it! I picked a few beauties out of the collection and stuck them up, they are mostly the work of Little Miss 4, as Master 7 is now less about drawing more about the PS3.
I have carefully placed the female view with my little female artists work. While placing the male view with more educational material. I got these free pintables’ from The Organised Housewife’s website and stuck them up on the wall, now he has something to read to keep his brain ticking over. One is tips on multiplying and one is an example of fractions. I hear him in there reading it out to himself, he spends ages in there now, who said boys can’t multitask!So clear off your fridge clutter and move it to the little room in the house that the kids spend a bit of time in each day. Now they can educate themselves while they are in there and they can show off their artwork when guests use your loo.
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