Today I am reviewing Dettol Touch of Foam hand wash, with a household of 10 hands, that’s 50 fingers, we go through some hand soap! What this means is I have received a bottle of Rose & Cherry in Boom Dettol Touch of Foam hand wash in the mail to review. I already have the Jasmine & Almond Dream in the kids bathroom, I was in fact already using it so I already was a fan.
The New Dettol Touch of Foam Wash comes in three unique fragrances, Jasmine & Almond Dream, Rose & Cherry in Bloom and Wild Berry Bliss. The Foaming Formula expands easily to remove dirt all over, leaving your hands feeling soft and comfortable after every wash, you know how some antibacterial soaps leave your hands dry after, this stuff doesn’t. Another thing that makes this soap different to other antibacterial soaps most of them have a certain smell that stays on your hands and can even over power your own sent you are wearing this stuff doesn’t do that.
I like it, kids love the foam concept and I’d happily recommended it for your bathroom. Mr 8 said “It smells awesome”, Little Miss 4 said “it smelt like beautiful”, and Mr One said, well nothing really!
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