How’s your Christmas food coma going? I am guessing you over ate on Christmas day, and well into the night. And you probably felt the need to eat all the left overs and chocolates and other naughtiness that were left over. Well now it’s time to stop and take back control. Christmas is done, and so is the excess you can eat anything.
I don’t really believe in detox diets as such however a mental detox is a better way to look at it. What I mean by that is mentally saying ‘ok that’s enough now, I need to take back control of what’s going in my mouth’. Detox your mind, and this will detox your plate.
WATER! Get it into you, the best option right now for your cup is water. Grab a water bottle and just keep drinking water all day. It will also help you feel fuller for longer so when you find yourself at the fridge next you won’t feel like another mince pie.
VITAMIN C! After all the stress in the lead up to Christmas and the poor eating and drinking it’s likely to compromise your immune system. You can jump in early and defend yourself with loads of vitamin c. I’m not talking lemon aid, I heard you, I am talking chop up an orange or a mango. Keep it simple and keep it clean.
SLEEP IT OFF! Get as much sleep as you can! This will stop you binge eating at 3pm on your chocolate hit. The more tired you are the more you are going to crave crap so get an early night and if you’re on holidays have an afternoon nap, because you can!
THROW OUT THE CRAP! Don’t fall into the trap of, ‘if I eat it that means it’s gone’. Just don’t even have it in the house if you know it’s going to temp you. The trouble is you can’t just stop at one bite can you, so consider throwing it out.
SALAD IS YOUR FRIEND! A really easy way to get a heap of nutrients back in to you is choosing a salad type meal for lunch and dinner. Keeping it really simple, green leafy, with some protein that could come in the form of cold ham or turkey from your left overs.
So there are some really simple ideas to help you detox from your Christmas coma with little effort and without putting your body through some kind of nasty detox diet. Keep it simple, eat lots of high water content fruits and vegetables and drink a heap of water. Your body is doing an amazing job at detoxing it’s self so why not help it a bit?

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