15 DAYS & 15 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2015
If you are anything like me you may have a little voice in your head that sometimes get’s the better of you. Don’t go all Dr Phill on me I’m just being super honest. Sometimes I have this negative voice in my head that often talks me out of things I want to do, tells me I can’t do it, or just scares me out of trying new things. So to combat this I have chosen to be more positive and by using a daily affirmation of sorts I find it easier to be more positive. Positive affirmations help to remove the negativity from your life. We can all benefit from more positivity and using daily affirmations, you will notice beneficial changes as your own mindset and subconscious becomes more positive.
One thing I have learnt, and it’s taken a long time, is to turn thing’s that happen to you in to a lesson. That the things you have now and the decisions you have made along the way are all things you wanted at some stage. After having a massive 2013 I have come out wiser and now appreciate how destructive that voice in your head can be. The way to undo it is to focus on and make a big effort to be more positive. Sounds simple but it is a new habit you will have to work on. However once you master it, it could change your life.
To be more positive you need to make little reminders for yourself because at this stage it may not be a habit so we need to make it one. I have found sticky notes on the bathroom mirror work great! Or I like to have a positive quote as my desktop back ground on my computer so I see it first thing each day. Maybe write something in your diary could also be a great way to see it daily.
I had no real idea of how negative glass half empty I was until last year but I have made a huge effort since to quit it that’s why I wanted to point it out and share as you may be too. It really makes a difference as the more you hear it the more you start to believe it. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves and start being more positive it can change your life I promise.
HOMEWORK: Make yourself a sticky note affirmation that you read daily. Mine is up on the bathroom mirror so I see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night. It only needs to be a few words or a sentence. Makes a difference.
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