This is a really great motivational tool to use, I did this last year and I got 4 out of 5 ticked off and without the list to remind me I don’t think I would have otherwise. There are things you want to do, you have wanted to do them for ages but there have been things stopping you right? Either you feel you can’t because you are too busy or to be honest you are too scared to right? Well this year you do them! Grab a piece of paper or your dairy and write a list of 5 things you want to achieve this year. Dream big this is a wish list, yet this year you make your wishes become your reality. It’s time to break your habit of not living your life and do some sh*t!
This really helped me achieve my 4 things last year, seeing the list on the fridge everyday made it a daily thought on how to achieve it, when to achieve it. So I have done the same thing this year and I really recommend doing the same thing. When you sit down to write a list it’s quite hard to think of 5 things. Just think of 5 awesome things that seem like there is no way you could pull them off, yet they are things that you have always wanted to do but just never get around to doing. This year you do them.
1. Grow my PT Business to a full time job
2. Make a workout eBook
3. Mini Mummy Break Alone
4. Build My Blog to empower more women
5. Swim With Dolphins
Above is my list of my 5 things that right now seem a little out there, with three kids, and a husband who is always away for work. However I am not going to let my circumstance stop me from doing things or following my dreams. I think achieving amazing things makes you a better person, even a better Mum.
HOMEWORK: Write your list of at least 5 things to achieve this year. Put it somewhere where you will see it everyday. If you don’t want others to see it, put in your wardrobe or save it on your computer and look at it every other day. Seeing it written makes it seem less scary. Starting to take steps to make things happen is what you start thinking about next.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook & Instagram page for all my daily tips. Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

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