15 DAYS & 15 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2015
This one can change your life, you know it’s true when you look good you feel good. So how do you make yourself look good? Any way you can. All the little things add up to the bigger picture that is you and your self esteem. Every cent you spend on how you look is well invested because you are worth it and you deserve it.
Yes you are a Mum, Wife, Girlfriend whatever you are that doesn’t mean you stop taking care of yourself both your health and appearance. When you do stop taking care of yourself and you find yourself wearing your daggies clothes you will feel like sh*t, each day. If this is you snap out of it and let’s get you back to believing you deserve to feel good, to look good is an easy way towards feeling good.
Simple things are often the best things in this department. For example when was the last time you had your hair done? Stop neglecting yourself and start pampering yourself because if you don’t you will no longer feel beautiful which is the beginning of a downwards spiral. Easy way’s you can make yourself look better today:
1. Get your hair done. Not just cut get some colour in there, get rid of any grey hair, it will make an instant difference in how you feel. Don’t tell me you can’t afford it you can because you need it, you need these little things for yourself or you will burn out.
2. Get a pedicure. Hit the shops in thongs and get your toes done. There are so many places out there now that you just walk in and get done with no appointment. Again you can afford it, it’s more like you can’t afford not to. You will be amazed how good your summer shoes look with painted toes.
3. Get a manicure. If you really can’t afford the three I have listed so far all can be done at home. Just by doing your nails you will feel better, it’s the little things ladies I promise. They all add up. They are all part of the process to feeling better about yourself.
4. Get healthy. Ha you knew it was coming. Yep lean in to cleaning up your diet. No cold turkey it does not work. You must start slowly by each day cutting some kind of sh*t out and really clean up your diet. Then watch your body take care of the rest.
5. Get active. Also what I am all about. If you get off the computer after you’ve read this, and go for a walk/run I promise when you get back you will feel great! 100% money back guarantee here! It does so many great things, that you will feel good and that will show in your smile.
6. Treat yourself to some new clothes. There is nothing better than wearing something for the first time. Get yourself some new stuff you deserve it stop talking yourself out of it.
1. Get a boob job!! HHHHAAAA just kidding just seeing who reads this sh*t!!! You need to start exercising. You just have to it’s the only way to make a change. If it means joining a gym have a think about it because it is SO worth it I promise you. Once you get OVER YOUR FEAR of it it will be the BEST PART of your day and it WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
2. Really clean up your life style. I mean your daily choices of what you put in your mouth and start drinking more water everyday. Your skin will clear up and glow and your waist will shrink.
Spending money, time and effort on yourself really pays off in the confidence department. If you neglect these areas you are taking away from yourself something that is hard to rebuild. You deserve this you are worth it so shut up and do it!
HOMEWORK: Do one thing for your appearance today, even if it means leaveing the kids at home on the weekend and go get your toes done or buy some new clothes just one thing to make yourself look and feel better.

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