15 DAYS & 15 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2015
I am guilty of this too, seeing what someone else has rather than seeing in fact what I already have. This is a very important lesson to learn and it has taken me years to recognise that comparing yourself to others does nothing positive it just takes away from yourself leaving you feeling empty when you are possibly comparing yourself with something that does not even exist.
Above Britney is showing us the best way to hit home with this message, this is your lesson in why you need to stop comparing yourself with others. What we see in the media doesn’t exist, it is a lie. No one is as perfect as these frauds will have us believe. I honestly do not even buy magazines anymore as they are all full of lies and cr*p. Swap your weekly gossip mag for a fitness mag. Once you stop comparing yourself with unrealistic images you are on your way to a better self image.
Others often only let you see what they want you to see, you are seeing a shell that hey have made to wear on their outside. So your are comparing your inside with their outside, it’s never going to be a fair comparison. If you saw me out and about living what looks like my perfect little life you are actually only seeing my shell, you can’t compare yourself with it as it is what I put out there not necessarily what I am feeling or living. That’s why comparing is so nasty it just leaves you feeling inadequate and less than you really are.
The only person you should compare yourself with is who you were yesterday. Because you know the truth, the good the bad and the ugly. Just try and be a better you do not try and be like anyone, or try to impress anyone, do only things for you and your family everyone else can get stuffed! Are you better than you were this time last year? If not lets work towards being better this time next year.
HOME WORK: Stop comparing yourself to others and stop worrying about what other people think. Instead focus on what you DO in fact have rather than what you do not have.
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