15 DAYS & 15 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2015
We all have bad habits because we are all human’s not robots. We all know what our bad habit’s are but for some reason it is just do dam hard to break them. Starting today we BREAK UP WITH OUR BAD HABITS. Bad habits hold you back, bad habits let you down, bad habit’s have stopped you reaching your goals in the past, so it’s time to ditch them. Deep down you are probably a healthy girl who has just picked up a heap of bad habit’s along your way. The good new’s is good habit’s can be just as addictive as bad habit’s only much more rewarding.
Bad habit’s are like a comfy bed, easy to get in to but hard to get out of. The beginning of breaking your bad habit is to identify them. Mine for example is probably sugar, it’s my weakness mostly in the form of anything chocolate. It’s like you know it’s bad for you but still you just can’t stop. Habits play such an important role in our health that’s why this is a big part of the NEW YOU. Your bad habits are in fact harming you that’s the cold hard truth right there isn’t it.
MY BAD HABITS: Chocoholic (as in I can eat the whole block), stress too much, too negative on myself, perfectionist, swearing (potty mouth Army girl). These are just a few of what I am going to work on in 2015.
To be the best version of you you need some self discipline and good habits. You are going to need to get out of your comfort zone where you are right now surrounded by your bad habits. Because a habit is a habit, you can’t just stop it cold turkey with out a plan but with baby steps you can.
Habits are formed through repetition, and are part of our nature. Like the last time you drove from A to B with out thinking about directions on autopilot, habits enable us to free up our mind for other things. Where our habits go wrong is they are also formed from triggering the pleasure center in our brain, this is where the bad things that feel good come in to it. Last year you let your habits control you, this year as part of your NEW YOU you need to control your habits.
It is so important once you have identified your bad habits to replace them with good habits. Cold turkey is going to be a struggle but replacing them will be more successful. It is going to take commitment, time and repetition before you can pull it off. The good news is you can, it will be hard but it will be worth it and I’d go as far as saying your health will be better for it.
HOMEWORK: Work out at least 3 of your bad habits that you can start to break up with. Write them in your diary and a plan how to quit them. Mine would be way too much chocolate, too hard on myself and swearing (major problem with a 3 year old parrot boy in the house!).

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