15 DAYS & 15 WAYS TO A NEW YOU 2015
So you have made your commitment to yourself and you have set your goals for 2015 and all should now be in writing. You should have also told the people you love of your NEW YOU concept and they will hopefully be supporting you. Now you need to grab yourself a cute little diary/journal to record your progress.
A really great way to stay on track with your newly set goals is to utilise a diary/journal. I’m not talking go all Bridget Jones and record everything, unless that’s what works for you. I am suggesting a little 2015 diary or a note book works that you can have in the kitchen or your bedside table that you can write your commitment to yourself in at the front, then your goals we set yesterday, then ideas of how to achieve them. If your goals revolve around health and or fitness then a diary is a great way to track your progress.
You can’t fix what you don’t know is wrong and you can’t measure progress if you have no way to record it. Keep it simple, it is not supposed to be another annoying chore in your day, just a tool to show you were you are doing well and where you can do better. Another bonus of a diary is it just helps keep you that little bit more organised, seeing the week in advance helps me to not miss appointment’s, birthday’s, school excursion’s etc.
I have printed out my goals for 2015 that I put on the blog yesterday and stuck them in my diary so I can see them when ever I want or need to. I think I will also stick a copy on the fridge or somewhere where I will see it everyday otherwise out of sight out of mind. That’s why writing them down is so powerful, when you see it it just reprograms your thoughts towards your outcome. Use your new diary to record where you are at now and where you are going, it’s great to look back and see how far you have come.
HOMEWORK. Buy a 2015 diary and keep it handy to write down your goals and progress. If you have taken steps towards your goals write it in. So if your goal was to walk everyday, write down the days you have walked and how far. If your goal was to eat more vegetables write down what you ate that sort of thing.
So far we haven’t really made any crazy changes. We haven’t starved our self nor have we gone over the top with the exercise and injured our self. We are simply at this stage working on reprogramming your thoughts to get you in more positive head space ready to start making better lifestyle steps. Baby steps.
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