15 DAYS & 15 WAYS
The beautiful thing about a new year beginning is you feel like you have some kind of second chance to start over, to get it right this time. So we all each year, with good intentions, make what we know as New Year’s Resoloution’s, which sadly often only last until mid January BUT I A HERE TO RE-MOTIVATE YOUR FOR MARCH. I am really keen to come on your journey and help you make some seriously great changes in your life, both physically and mentally that will help you be a better version of yourself. Who’s in biatches?
So to do this NEW YOU thing properly we need to start it with a commitment to ourselves, if you deserve commitment from anyone it’s yourself. Us chicks do this thing where we pride ourselves on how well we take care of others, what the hell, what about you? Today you make a commitment to YOU that with this new year beginning, you will take on a fresh look at how you live your life and how you could live it better.
No, you are probably not. There are still things you could be doing to make your life better for you. It gets better as it has a flow on effect, it then makes the kids lives better and your marriage better, all because you gave yourself the gift of becoming a better YOU.
There are things you wanted last year that didn’t work out or you didn’t work hard enough to achieve them, or you were too frightened. What were they? This year you go after them, harder, faster and more aggressively. Are you trying to get pregnant, are you trying to lose weight, are you trying to study, are you trying to heal, are you trying to start over, are you wanting to start your own business, are you trying to be more confident? This is your year and it’s really time to start telling yourself that because believing is the first step to achieving.
This year is going to be my year, 2014 flew by and I had little time to do things for me, it was all devoted to running the house on my own and raising 3 kids along the lonely way.
1. This year I am committing to spend more time and effort on building my blog because I love sharing and building my new PT business.
2. I am committing to becoming more confident and believing in myself, I am my own worst enemy it’s ridiculous.
3. I am committing to continuing to stay healthy, fit and motivated, no matter how tired I am, how far away my husband is, no matter which kid is sick or how late I went to bed.
4. I am committing to living my best life.
Now I’ve shared my most inner commitments for 2015 I want you to make your list. It needs to be written down and it needs to go somewhere where you will see it everyday to serve as a daily reminder. You are committing to you, therefore no one else will know so another great way to stay accountable is to tell the people in your life, if they love you they will help you. You will need some self discipline here, stop blaming your circumstances and get your sh*t together, commit today to making 2015 your year!
DAILY CHALLENGE. Write down your commitments to yourself, can be one can be 10. Needs to be realistic and you need to mean it.
HOMEWORK. The next time you are at the shops you need to buy yourself a 2015 Diary the best is a week to a page so we can track our progress and results.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook & Instagram page so you get all my FREE tips on health, fitness! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

love your emails. my commitment to me these last 13 months is to have no excuses to workout. if its raining get a umbrella.if its hot wear a hat. if its cold put on a jacket.if your long time injury is sore change your workout for that day. ive used excuses for to long but not any more. i live by no excuses to workout for a fittier, healthier me ❤️
Thank you for the feedback. Love your attitude. R