This will save you money and time, what more could a mum ask for! It’s such a simple idea, every time you cook a wet dish, like a curry, tuna mornay, spaghetti bolognaise, any kind of pasta bake, lasagne, make more than you know you will need for tea, and freeze what’s left for tea one night next week. See this pasta bolognaise, it is made with a normal sized $4 pack of mince but I make it go further by adding a can of lentils with the pasta sauce. They are brown and blend in with the mince, they don’t have a taste and no one in my family knows, well they didn’t until now. The beauty of this is it will double your cooked mince so you can get two family sized meals out of it, and you have added a whole lot of protein that will keep everyone fuller for longer.
You can use some for say a lasagne that night, and use the other half for spaghetti bolognaise another night. Or if you work you can freeze half in smaller containers, these become my husbands lunch so in the morning he just grabs one out of the freezer, and zaps it at work for lunch, more money saved! I try and do this with most of the cooking so for those fright nights when you don’t feel like cooking or you are running around after school with soccer, ballet, karate, swimming lessons, pony club and tennis coaching there is always something yummy and healthy at home ready to go! Another good tip is, it is never too early to cook dinner. If you have a quiet house at 11am as that’s when bubs has his sleep then cook the rice then, or if it’s quiet at 2pm before the school run, the cook the spuds to mash then. It’s never too early to start dinner that’s for sure!
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[…] if you have too much that’s fantastic as you can freeze half for a night next week, see Cook Once Eat Twice for more great tips! This is a great tip for big families trying to make every dollar count, helps […]