There aren’t many things I hate more than cleaning but it has to be done. What I have learnt over the years is that cleaning products are full of nasty chemicals and are expensive. So I have gone back to basics, chucked out the chemicals I no longer wanted to use and replaced them with simple good old fashioned methods. You know that feeling when you are cleaning the shower with exit mould or one of those sprays, when you breath it in and you can feel it go in to your lungs, that is actually irreversible damage happening right there. After I learnt this I became a baking soda and vinegar girl! Vinegar can kill mould, bacteria and germs, so ditch the anti-bacterial cleaners that do more harm than good and it gets better vinegar is $2 for a 2Ltr bottle.
I have made up a little cleaning kit, that can be taken in to the bathrooms where I sprinkle on the baking soda from a shaker I bought at Coles and squirt vinegar on the powder and watch it fuzz! I hate mopping with a traditional bucket and mop so I have a Swift mop thing that I just make the cloth damp with hot water, squirt vinegar on the floor as I go and the floors come up clean every time, once done the velcro swift part comes off and goes in the washing machine, wear socks too it stops foot prints drying on the floor. Mr Chilled 1 has been known to lick a floor or two so I am happy there are no nasty chemicals tickling his pallet! The house will smell a bit vinegary for 10 minutes after but it will soon evaporate.
Air fresheners are cans full of chemicals, chuck them out, replace with a $1 squirty bottle of water with lavender oil drops in it. You can even squirt this mist in bubs room before they go down. I am slightly in love with the new range of disposable wipes from Windex and Viva, they make glass, windows and sinks come up sparkling then the wipe is discarded, so easy. So that’s the quick and safe way to clean up around your home, have a think about switching over your lungs will thankyou for it!
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