I know I know, it’s only July, but shit a minute ago it was January right? Before you know it the rest of the year will fly by and it will be crunch time, ho ho ho Merry Christmas! Christmas time with kids can be expensive and sadly stressful trying to please everyone so today I am sharing my tips on a stress free Christmas for your family, but it does involve getting ready starting now! I like to take advantage of the July toy sales that are being shoved down our throats at the moment. They are actually really handy, with a bit of forethought you can get most of the Christmas shopping done and there is no need to stash presents as you can lay-by right up to Christmas eve. Just think about what your kids will like in six months time, that’s the trick.
Ideas For Getting Organised Early For An Awesome Christmas:
Anyone Under 2 Only Wants The Box – Don’t spend heaps on little people who really only care about the box or the wrapping paper anyway!
Toy Sales – Lay-by right up until Christmas Eve.
Gift Cards – Every other big food shopping trip, purchase a Coles/Woollies $10 or $20 Gift Card and keep them at home. Then when it’s time for to buy all the food for Christmas Day you grab out your six months worth of cards and pay for it with those.
Christmas Cupboard – Every time you see a bargain and think your child or niece would love that, buy it for them and put it away for Christmas. Dedicate a cupboard in your home, call it the Christmas Cupboard and stash it in there. Then it’s not so expensive in December as you spread the costs out over 6 months.
Online Shopping – I am a huge fan, I don’t get out often without at least one kid to drag around so I love online shopping. I find allsorts of bargains and I love finding personalised items where they will print your child’s name on an item. I open it, check it and pop it right in to the Christmas cupboard.
I know Christmas feels a long time away but the fact is six months will fly by so it really is worth putting some thought in to getting organised now. If you are able to get some of your Christmas shopping done over the next six months you are sure to have a less stressful Christmas that will allow you time to actually sit back and enjoy it rather than running around with all the last minute shoppers.
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