Here is a special little Christmas idea for all the pregnant Mum’s to be out there. When I was pregnant with Mr 8 Christmas came (I must have been 6 months pregnant) and I thought ‘wouldn’t it be funny to sit on Santa’s lap and get baby’s first Santa pic’. I very quickly snapped out of it and didn’t do it. I now regret that as it’s such a cute reminder of where you were at at that stage of your life. So for the two Christmas’s since that I have been pregnant heavily pregnant I was a good sport and jumped in the Santa pic to show the little nugget in years to come where they fitted in the family at that time.
Check me out in full bloom pregnant with Little Miss 4 (about to turn 5 in a week or so). This is me when life was SO simple and I had an only child, I do remember thinking how hard life was working full time with a 3 year old. When this pic was taken I HATED IT as that is me with an extra 23kgs!!!! Yep I get big when pregnant too!
Check me out again in full bloom pregnant with Mr One (about to turn 2 in a week or so). This is us when life was SO simple and I only had two kids, I also remember thinking how hard life was working full time with a 3 year old and 7 year old. This year I was savvy and work black. This is me with an extra 17kgs, and the 10lbs2oz baby you hear me speak of!
So I think if you are pregnant it is a really great idea to get in the annual Santa pic as it really is a great keep sake for years to come. Not something I ever thought I would put on the world wide web however I am so happy that I have these pics that I wanted to share with you all. Thought you might also find it interesting to see that I am no Miranda Kerr when pregnant either that I too get massive and have had to lose on average of 20kgs after all three pregnancies.
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