Yeah!!! The day has finally come, no more sticky fingers from knee height down all over my walls, no more replacing baby jeans as the knees have blow out from speed crawling, no more leaving things lying around as he now has two free hands, wait hang on this isn’t good! Yep he finally got his balance and just after his afternoon sleep Sunday and decided he could all of a sudden walk! He has been cursing around the house holding on to things for a very long time, he is also quite proficient at climbing has even concurred the kitchen table and the TV cabinet a few times! Yes! However for some reason something kicked in and he is off like a cat walk model, no no this kid ain’t no baby giraffe, I think he’s been able to walk for ages but just didn’t want anyone to know!
So here’s the thing Mums, he is actually 16 months old, that is late in walking terms. I have spent the last six months maybe longer fending off questions such as “oh, isn’t he walking yet?”, like he is some kind of special needs child. No he isn’t walking yet, he is happy to crawl or walk around holding on to things. If your child isn’t doing a certain thing at a certain age suddenly everyone turns in to some kind of worried but qualified Paediatrician and will give you the run down on what your child should be up to! Well I have some reassuring news for you, their qualifications that they don’t have don’t mean shit! You are the expert on your little nugget, follow your intuition it is in there you just have to find it and listen to it. If your gut says he should be sitting up by now but he is a floppy rag doll, or the slightest thing bothers you then follow your gut. However on the flip side if your gut says, hey I know my kid he is a fat lazy lump who’d rather crawl then listen to that because chances are he is perfectly normal and will catch up in his own time. Mr Chilled 1 was a whopping 10lbs 2oz, he has always been massive with a massive heavy head, and I was and still am sure this is the only thing that delayed his progress being heavy yet not quiet strong enough to support such a huge body!
So if your babe isn’t doing something just yet, don’t compare and don’t despair (ha that sounds good!) he will when he or she is good and ready they all develop at different ages, even babies in the same family do things at different times. Also don’t be in a hurry as once they start walking it’s a whole new ball game!
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