So I have just survived week one of school holidays, well all most. Here is how our week has gone and I have managed not to spend much money at all really, everyone is still alive and I don’t have grey hair yet.
Routine. I must admit I have kept my normal weekly routine, I still get up everyday and go to the gym with the kids. I am not going to let school holidays be an excuse for me not to, it only takes one hour in the morning then it’s done, my one hour a day.
Swimming. We went to the local indoor swimming pool which was inexpensive and a great way to get the kids to be active. It got a bit scary when they were blowing whistles telling everyone to get out of the pool as a 2 year old was missing. I was shitting myself for the parents and possibly what we were all about to witness, but thank firetruck they found him.
Face Painting. These cheep face paints from Big W were a hit. I painted their faces and they went off in character and played for ages. Why has it taken me so think of this one?
Play Dough. Another cheap idea, you just need to grab the ingredients next time you are out. Here is a great way to make play dough from a previous post.
McCafe. Yep, I said it, no plug here as if they need my advertising, but you would be surprised how a 30c cone (that now cost 80c) will make your little people happy. Order a coffee, find one of their news papers laying around. Send the kids in to the playground with their cones and just sit sip and read. Just sit and pretend you don’t have kids, that you are some hot 19 year old uni-student on a break hanging out a Maccas looking for hot guys, until you recognise the cry of one of your own, snap back in to reality and rescue their little crying butt!
School holidays are awesome hey!
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