I have long been a lover of blogs, I’d love to just veg in front of the computer gazing at other peoples dreamy photos of houses, decorating ideas that sort of thing. Then whilst on maternity leave, feeling isolated, tired, bored, fragile and hopeless I stumbled across to the ‘Mummy Blog’ scene one day after I googled “what does a stay at home mum do all day”. Then there they appeared, blog after blog after blog with ideas, advice, photos, tips, tears, feelings, answers, everything I needed to read at that time of my life. I found many great ideas and realised I had some great ideas of my own that I now wanted to give back and help other new Mums, new Stay at Home Mums or expecting Mums.
So in February I got myself a website, I stayed up all night and blogged my heart out to give it some content, set up a Facebook page and put it all out there. Once I got going I couldn’t be stopped, I had become a blogging junkie, I even quit going to the gym so I could blog all day. I sat at the computer so much that I ended up with a pinched nerve in my spine that caused my left arm to go numb. So I almost chucked it in, I figured my life was full enough how was I now supposed to fit this blog in too. I was getting new Liker’s everyday so I had made a commitment to my peeps to keep blogging, and I did just not as much.
I just wanted to say to everyone who follows my blog thank you, I am so happy to share my life, my ideas, my binge blogging addiction with you all. I love your comments and emails some of them have made me tear up! There have also been nasty ones, also another factor that made me want to quit. I love my blog, I am glad I started it as it serves two purposes. One I really want to help Mums out there, I’m not going to sugar coat it, it’s the hardest most underpaid, underrated and underappreciated job going. No sick leave, no holidays, no superannuation, just snotty nose kisses that make it worth doing. Two it gave me a hobby, a purpose, something outside the square, something different to focus on, something that was in the ‘I’d never be able to do that’ basket became achievable!
My blog is four months old, some days I struggle to think what to blog about some days I do a few posts but have learnt to save them for the next few days. If there is anything you would like to see more of let me know, I am more than happy to go there, answer questions and share my experiences with you. My goal was to get 100 liker’s, that was amazing to me, so I set a new goal of 200 liker’s, which really seemed a bit ridiculous, now I am there. I have even been approached to advertise on my blog, but I am not sure if I am going to go that way. To celebrate my little achievement I just bought a ticket to the Nuffnang Blogopolis 2012 which will be my first ever blog conference in June, can’t wait, oh and a chocolate pudding!!
So my Yummy Mummies. If you have something you’ve wanted to do but keep talking yourself out of it, have a go at it you might surprise yourself. The only thing stopping you is the excuses you keep telling yourself, think of one thing you’ve wanted to do for some time, write it down, stick it on the fridge and tomorrow morning when the baby is in bed, or the kids are at school, start looking in to it and find the motivation and a way to do it sister!
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Ren, that’s so brilliant. I am so proud of you! Great work and advertise away!! 🙂
Blush!! Thanks Bec XX
Hi Renee, congratulations on 200 likers! That is an amazing achievement! I think your blog is great. One thing I would like to see would be some lunch ideas please. I really struggle with this, as I am not a huge fan of sandwiches (I don’t like bread). In summer this is fine as I usually have salad, but winter is hard. I usually have a cup of soup and then I am starving at 3pm! Thanks.
Hey Julie, Thanks for your kind words! I have many great ideas for lunches I will do a post on it great idea. I would suggest adding some protein to your lunch. Get in the kitchen and make your own soups, with beef, chicken, lentils, chickpeas or brown rice, these great additions will help you stay fuller for longer. Ditch the packet cup of soup and think what your Nanna would have made! Watch this space for a post! R
Thanks renee for all your fantastic advice and ideas, im 27 and a mother to 3 too, I especially liked your outdoor sandpit (where did you get those large rocks from that border your sandpit, they look great)., and im trying your freezing sandwiches idea for school next week, my mornings are hell at my house with a 1yr old a 2 yr old and a kindergarden kid, and no help. I hope to read some of your health stuff too, my health and body has been pushed aside or way too long, I usually dont eat a thing till late afternoon and survive on coffee and energy drinks, no wonder im exhausted and miserable most of the time, I want energy to play with my kids, and to look hot in jeans again, oh and to smile more. Keep up the good work , thank you for motivating me to think about changing my bad habits,
Lauren, You have come to the right place for realistic health and fitness advise from a real mother of three. You will find everything you need to get you started and to get you organised. Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading. R