Today's challenge is to buy something new for yourself because every time you walk into a shop you are lured like some kind of magnet to the kids clothing section where you pick up stuff for them but you always forget to buy something for you right? It's Saturday, leave the kids with their Dad, (or ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 1 – Ditch The Diets
You do not need to 'go on a diet' you just need to consume a good 'diet', see it's all in the word its self. You can think of it two ways, you can go on some fad diet that worked for Beyonce but will not work for you, or you can clean up your overall diet, this is the one that will work for you. You ... read more
Celebrating A Little Personal Milestone
I have long been a lover of blogs, I'd love to just veg in front of the computer gazing at other peoples dreamy photos of houses, decorating ideas that sort of thing. Then whilst on maternity leave, feeling isolated, tired, bored, fragile and hopeless I stumbled across to the 'Mummy Blog' scene one ... read more
Don’t Take Your Kids Education For Granted
Today I thought for something different I would take you for a moment away from your Laptop in to another country not all that far from here and share something’s that may change the way you think about your own life. Three years ago I was deployed to the Solomon Islands as part of a Regional ... read more
Technology When Is Too Much Too Much?
On Tuesday morning I woke up to another ordinary day, jumped out of bed, made a cup of tea and sat down to the computer to check my emails, facebook and blog like I have become so accustomed to doing every morning. To my horror the internet would not connect and I was unable to open anything, so a ... read more
Mother’s Day Classic Fun Run Raising Money For Breast Cancer
Happy Mother's Day ladies, I hope you all got spoiled with a huge uninterrupted sleep in, only to be woken up by your beautiful children bearing beautifully wrapped expensive gifts, then to have been served in bed a tray with a decadent selection of breakfast served on fine china with a hot pot of ... read more
Pre-Mother’s Day Mother’s Day!
Today was Mother's Day in our house! Yep we do things a little different around here, it's sometimes the only way. My husband showed up home for a surprise Mother's Day visit, popped in, mucked up my routine and popped back off to save the world! Just kidding it was a nice surprise and the kids ... read more
Check Out Who Can Walk
Yeah!!! The day has finally come, no more sticky fingers from knee height down all over my walls, no more replacing baby jeans as the knees have blow out from speed crawling, no more leaving things lying around as he now has two free hands, wait hang on this isn't good! Yep he finally got his ... read more
How To Clean Up Your Snacking
Us Mums are just so damn busy, I mean between getting everyone up, feed, cleaned, dressed and out the door, dropped off, picked up, feed again, cleaned some more and put to bed it can feel like there is just no time for healthy eating in your day. So you don't stop and eat do you, then you get ... read more
School Holiday Adventures Almost Over
Another day of school holidays another adventure to share. I grew up in a house of girls, I am the eldest of four girls so we never had motorbikes or anything electrical really we were all about Barbie! So raising two boys has been one amazing journey that I really have no idea what I am doing so I ... read more
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