Sometimes things get a little heated in our house, you all know my story my husband is often away for work and it's usually just me running around like a crazy woman acting as the CEO of chaos. I have always thought if I could find a quote that I loved and put it somewhere that I would see everyday ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Complete Inner Goddess Rediscovered?
Well my little chocolate muffins, the 14 Day Yummy Mummy Challenge has come to an end and I would love to know if you followed along, what changes you made to better yourself and how they made you feel. Sometimes I do wonder if there is anyone out there reading. If you did follow along and have a go ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 14 – Work Out Where You Go Wrong
Today's challenge is to identify where you have been going wrong and what is holding you back. This one requires you to have a look at where you are at right now, where you want to be in say a year’s time and how you are going to get there. There is something you want for yourself, something you ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 13 – Drink More Water
Today's challenge is all about drinking more water, do you drink enough water? There is no real set amount to drink a day, some people say 8 glasses, I just try and drink it as I think of it and if I have avoided being thirsty or worse dehydrated with a head ache then I know I have drunk enough ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 12 – Give Up One Thing You Shouldn’t Be Doing
Ok anytime you have to give up something it can get you all defensive before you even get a chance to learn the benefits of giving it up. Today's challenge is easier than it sounds because most of us are currently doing things we know deep down we shouldn't be doing but just can't seem to give up, ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 11 – The Girl In The Mirror Is Beautiful
Beautiful really is a powerful word because when you use it you are announcing that there is beauty on the outside but more importantly on the inside too. To me it doesn't just mean physically attractive it means having the heart to go with it, having a big heart is to be beautiful. It's helping ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 10 – Buy New Underwear
Yes I am going there, if you wear granny underwear you will feel like a granny! While you were pregnant out went the nice stuff and the granny knickers snuck in, now it's time to ditch the flowers and bunnies and get your groove on under your clothes. You have probably forgotten what a ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 9 – Get Your Hair Done
When was the last time you took 2 hours of your life and sat in a salon chair while you had your hair done by someone? Getting your hair done is such a great pick me up, I couldn't live without it. I am blonde so I tend to be high maintenance and if I haven't had my hair done it brings me down. It's ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 8 – Write A List Of 5 Things To Achieve This Year
Have a look at your children for a moment, do you notice how your baby keeps reaching these gorgeous little milestones, or how your one year old gets frustrated when his hands can't quite do yet what his little mind wants them to do, or how your four year old keeps counting to 20 then asking what ... read more
Yummy Mummy Challenge Day 7 – Make Time For You
How often do you make time for you? Probably not often enough and you know what will happen you will become run down, tired, resentful, stressed, and just plain unhappy. By you trying to be there for everybody all the time, trying so hard to be Super Mum all the time, putting everyone else’s needs ... read more