Any kind of present that requires any kind of assembly in my house goes in the cupboard for a rainy day when Dad's home. It isn't raining but it is school holidays and Dad is home so today out came a Pirate Ship project that was to be built entirely out of cardboard. Mr 8 and his Dad sat at the ... read more
Toy Rotation Ideas
So anyone who has been to my house would walk out saying, "wow those kids have way too many toy's!". This is what happens when you and your husband are from large families so at Christmas and birthday's the kids get a lot of stuff, so much so that it can become over whelming. Here are my ideas on ... read more
Becoming A One Income Family
Let’s face it, it is a big bad two income world out there, and ironically the time you need both your incomes you find yourself on maternity leave and down to one income. Why is it that when you are in you 50’s all the kids have moved out (hopefully) and you are by then at the top of the career food ... read more
Learning To Tell The Time
Mister 8 has started showing an interest in learning to read a clock face, about time kiddo get out of your digital world for 5 minutes I say. So to make things a little bit easier as it isn’t confusing enough, then you throw in roman numerals, I've broken it down for the little guy. Sticky notes ... read more
Formula Feeding, Ditch The Guilt
First let me say, there is NOTHING wrong with formula feeding, I have 3 extremely healthy children who have all started their life with formula due to reasons beyond my control. None have allergies, none have asthma, none are obese etc. If formula feeding is the way it works out for you and bubs ... read more
Play Dough With Out Any Cooking
When my sisters and I were little we used to spend a lot of time at our Nannas house. Way back when there was no DS or IPad we were easily pleased with simple things like who got to pick the colour of the play dough! I do remember Nanna standing at the stove mixing and cooking that dough. Fast ... read more
The Day I Became A Mum
My Biggest Baby Turns 8 Today! Look at that head, as if that was ever going to come out, god what were they thinking! This is a 1 day old baby you are looking at! My fault I guess, too many pies! This time 8 years ago, I was only 25, I had been in the Army for 7 years, I had been married for 5 ... read more
When Good Babies Go Bad
The words no mum should have to hear at 6am, or ever really, "Mummy the baby did a pooh and he is eating it!", oh I just wanted to roll over and keep sleeping. Lucky I didn't, as it was as bad as it sounded! My fault, I let him have some of a Wendy's Hotdog yesterday, don’t think it sat well with ... read more
Free Range Children
We live over an hour from the city, you wouldn't quite call it the country but it's on the way to the country. There are times when you do have to hit the road for the drive in to the Airport or a trip to Ikea but other than that we love living far away from the hustle and the bustle. The beauty of ... read more
Getting Your Baby To Settle – Pt 2 Routine
Routines are how humans thrive, we are all creatures of habit. We have the luxury of a man made clock to tell us when to eat and sleep, so why don't we use it to tell our newborns when to eat and sleep. Routine. This is a big one for me, I give bubs a good four weeks to settle in and learn how the ... read more
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