Little Miss 4 will be turning the big 5 and heading to school in January 2013. All she cares about is drawing, she isn't fussed on counting, ABCs, or writing. I haven't done as much with her as I had done with Mr 8 at that age as he was an only child at that stage where as Little Miss 4 has to fight ... read more
Overcoming Mother Guilt It’s Not Easy
I have always carried a deep kind of Mother Guilt with Little Miss 4 due the fact I had to return to work when she was only 9 months old, but unlike a normal Mum I didn't return 5-9 oh no I was deployed overseas to a third world country as part of a peace keeping mission away for 5 months. So I left ... read more
My Very Own Suri Cruise
Little Miss 4 has had always had a passion for fashion. As in she always gets up every morning and gets herself dressed without being asked or told to. She has done this for as long as I can remember. That's great I hear you say, well kind of! The only problem is some of the things she comes out in ... read more
My Son Plays With Dolls
This is just the cutest thing, Mr One has a favourite toy that I see him playing with everyday to the point where it got me thinking. He has his own toys which most are gifts from his first Christmas last year or his first Birthday. Most if not all of his toys are very traditional boy oriented toys. ... read more
How To Pack A Healthy School Lunch
A really great habit to get in to is making all the sandwiches for the week on Sunday and freezing them, this way you will never run out of bread during the week and you save yourself a heap of time in the mornings. You can even go one step further and fill their lunch boxes each evening. I do it as ... read more
How To Eat Clean On The Family Holiday
This post in a reader request, hope it can give you some new ideas Going away with the family can be a lot of fun, but it can also cause you and your family to make some cheap and nasty food choices whether on the road trip on the way to the holiday or grabbing take-a-way each night after a long ... read more
Cheap Not Nasty School Holiday Ideas
So I have just survived week one of school holidays, well all most. Here is how our week has gone and I have managed not to spend much money at all really, everyone is still alive and I don't have grey hair yet. Routine. I must admit I have kept my normal weekly routine, I still get up everyday and ... read more
5 Things To Do When Someone Wants Your Kids In Their Wedding Party
My two eldest little aliens have been employed as a flower girl and page boy in three separate weddings, two of my sisters and my brother in law and sister in law's. Funny enough two of the weddings my husband was away, and on top of that they weren't local which meant a road trip and sleeping in a ... read more
Staying Fit During Pregnancy
With some healthy lifestyle choices and the OK from your doctor did you know you can stay quite fit during your pregnancy? It is in fact a very good idea to exercise during a healthy normal pregnancy and it is safe for you and your bump with many benefits. If you're tempted to eat whatever you want ... read more
How To Raise Organised Kids
How to raise organised kids, be organised yourself, it rubs off so I have found out this last week. There have been a few occasions lately that have almost brought a little tear to my organised eye that I have been dying to share. Over the last few weeks I have got up to find that Little Miss 4, ... read more
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