When we got married we got Dasher our beautiful Dalmatian that was a part of our family for 11 years, at the end of last year we lost her. She did leave a big gap in our life and the family has been trying hard to convince me ever since to get a new four legged friend. I have been dead against it ... read more
Are You A Martha Stewart Christmas Perfectionist? i Was!
Tis the season not to be a perfectionist! Well I am working on that concept anyway. Normally I really get in to Christmas and go all Martha Stewart, I love it. I turn in to this happy Christmas Fairy that doctorates the whole house, bakes, ices tiny gingerbread houses and was always the proud owner ... read more
4km Santa Mum & Son Fun Run
After waiting for the perfect event for Mr 8 to enter, as he had been asking to do a Fun Run with me for awhile, we found it. Today Mr 8 and I ran in the 4km Santa Fun Run and we raised $345 for Variety the children's charity. Thank you to all those who generously donated to the cause. Your ... read more
Daddy Comes Home After Five Months Deployed To Afghanistan
After a very long year of my Husband being deployed overseas with the Air Force, yesterday afternoon this happened! We got to the airport early and waited patiently as a family for our missing puzzle piece. Poor Mr One who really wasn't too sure who Daddy really was other than a voice on a phone ... read more
It’s Time To Spring Clean Your Routine
Hey so the weather is I am sure warming up where ever you live in this big old country. I bet you are still in somewhat of a hibernation mode as it was a long cold winter like always. Time to enjoy spring and start making the most of each day, embracing it rather than rushing through it. There are a ... read more
Need A Reason To Get Active – The Kids Are Watching
Monkey see, monkey do right, well it's just so darn true. Whatever we do, our little monkeys are always watching and talking it in, and taking it on. Watch what they say, watch what they do, it is a direct reflection of yourself, bit scary hey. All you can do is model your best self and part of that ... read more
Come And See A Typical Saturday In My Life
Saturday for some means a lazy sleep in, not in this house. I have 3 little alarm clocks that still wake up early and need all sorts of things even though I just want to sleep, hmmm sleep, up I get. I thought for a laugh I'd share a typical Saturday in my crazy house, come for the ride. This is how ... read more
How To Deal With Toddlers And Tonsillitis
Last few weeks have been tough, one of my stinky little kids brought a gastro bug in to the house so we all ended up with it. Just when that cleared up, and it looked like life back to normal, Mr One woke up crying at 8pm at night looking limp and feeling hot. Sure enough with a temp of 38.1 he was ... read more
I Have One Clingy Almost Two Year Old
So here's the thing, I have Mr One (who suddenly is technically 22 months old) who has been the most carefree easy going baby I had ever met. However within the last few weeks this kid has become SO clingy to the point where it's driving me nuts, shock horror, did I really admit that? He is within a ... read more
Happy Halloween Come On Have Some Fun
Unless you have been living under a rock you would have noticed Halloween is sneaking in to Australian shops more than years gone by. My kids love the idea of Halloween and since you are only young once I figured who cares if it is just some American thing, it is a bit of fun, it's all over their TV ... read more
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