I am no pushy stage Mum, I am no overenthusiastic soccer Mum and I am no instrument pushing second language forcing over loading Mum. Each day of my life is devoted to my three special eggs, from 530am (yes she does wake up that early most days) to 7pm my every thought, every action, every decision has something to do with the kids. I am flat out most days as my husband is away often with work I have learnt to be very selective with the choices I make regarding what I take on.
Little Miss 4 has shown a huge interest in ballet since she could walk however much to grandparents disappointment I never did get her in to ballet. Master 8 has tried a few different sports at school but has never really come home asking to play one of them for a club. You see I am in no hurry to give up one evening during the week for practice and Sat or Sun for games. What seemed so much more important to me was swimming lessons, could doing a perfect pirouette save your life if you fell in a swimming pool at age 2, um no. So each Sunday morning I drag the three kids along to swimming lessons because to me it just made so much more sense spending money on a life skill over new soccer boots.
I don’t believe I am holding my kids sporting career back as they are exposed to it at school, TV and at home, plus I didn’t start playing netball until I was 11 and I turned out all right! If you are currently considering what hobbies to get your kids in to ask yourself can they swim? I am not going to quote scary drowning facts as we all know they are way too high, so in an attempt to reduce the risk to your child consider finding a local indoor heated pool that runs weekly swimming lessons and sign them up. Probably should be subsidised by the government as it isn’t cheap but is it worth it, hell yes!
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