Congratulations you are pregnant, that’s awesome right! What do you mean you have to stop working out, wrong. Unless you have been told otherwise by your Dr with a regular pregnancy you are actually good to exercise, in fact you are crazy not to. There is NO REASON YOU HAVE TO STOP so don’t, it just means you have a few things to consider.
Temperature. Once you have gotten used to feeling sick and tired it’s time to get fit to get your body ready for this birth. One new thing to consider is not getting over heated so your don’t over heat your little nugget. There are also different believes with regards to not getting your heart rate over 140 beats per minute, however how could this blanket calculation be used for someone who is really fit and someone who is typically quite sedentary? Ask your Dr about this one for you personally, but for me I didn’t let it stop me.
Get active while you can as this is the best time. The sickness eases off, you don’t feel so tired, you have a cute round neatly placed bump. Get your gym gear on and show off that bump. Walk, Spin Class, swim, Yoga or Pilate’s for pregnancy, anything really just do something everyday, your body will thank you for it at the end I promise.
Now things get difficult, a few strange things are happening on the inside. Your ligament’s and tendons are looser ready for birth so take the stretching easy. Now your center of gravity is all messed up and your balance is out the window. The two best things I found with my last pregnancy was RPM class (45min Cycling Class) and getting in the pool. I did RPM up until 8 months pregnant and it kept me fit. I credit my RPM classes to getting my body back somewhat, no really this kid was 10lbs2oz. I found on the days I didn’t go to the gym I sat around watched TV and felt tired and crap, when I did work out I felt energised and great.
So if you are pregnant or wanting to become pregnant don’t be afraid to continue or to start to workout. With the all clear from your Dr you can get pretty physical without harming bubs. In fact the extra oxygen and nutrients carried by being fit, active and healthy will help you grow a really healthy baby. I’ve done the pregnancy thing three times now so I call myself an expert on this sh*t if you are pregnant you are mad not to workout and get/stay fit. You are not harming bubs your are flooding him/her with the endorphins you also feel when exercising. I really recommend for your health and even more motivating, to get your body back at the end, that you consider bringing some exercise into your life, as it will change your life I promise,.
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