In my house, every morning I would make breakfast and yell out, “Your Weetbix is ready!’, and nothing would happen. Everyday I would make dinner and yell out “Dinner is ready!”, and nothing would happen. Everyone would be so focused on what ever it was they were watching, doing, or playing that they didn’t even budge. Until I got the BELL!
I had this great idea that if I had a bell to ring, it would be a fun way to get the kids up the table to eat. So my husband found one on EBay for about $10 and I tried it out for the first time! “DING” “Order Up!”. Works a treat, everyone comes running when they hear the bell ding! Sometimes the house is quiet and I just ring it to tease them, as they all come running to the kitchen, “what are we eating Mum”, “nothing just tricking ya!”.
If you can’t get the kids off the PlayStation, ABC Kids, or inside at dinner time, invest in a cafe style bell and they will all come running when it dings! Have some fun, they are only young for a little while.
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