Yesterday was my big guys 8th birthday, and for the kids birthday’s I like to go a little crazy with their parties, it’s just my thing I love to do. His school friend party wont be until next weekend so in the mean time we have a family dinner on his actually birthday. Today I want to share my ideas on a budget birthday family dinner for your bubs!
Budget Birthday Family Dinner for under $30! Can it be done??
After asking the birthday boy what he would like for his birthday dinner the menu was set. Lasagne and chocolate Starwars cake! No problemo!
Keeping it really simple to come in under budget, make a menu and be strict in the shop don’t be sucked in to impulse buying as it will start to add up quickly.
My shopping list:
Mince $3.71
Pasta Sauce $2.10
Lasagne Sheets $3.10
Lettuce $2
Tomatoes $1.99
Coles Chocolate Mudcake $5.60
Greens Chocolate Cake Mix $2
Mini Oreo’s $3.10
Starwars Guys $6 cheap shop job
Grand Total Under Budget! $29.60 It would probably be less as most of this stuff would already be in your house
Now to get creative. I made the lasagne at lunch time so no mucking around at dinner time. Whip up a simple kid friendly tossed salad, in the fridge ready for dinner time, try to have a meal where you are not stuck in the kitchen. Think of a wet dish or something that you can pre-prepare and be free to spend time with your special person in the evening.
Whip out the Mudcake, decorate it with what ever characters the kids are in to at the time and they will be chuffed as they get to keep them. This is a super cheap way to have a super easy birthday cake!
I made the $2 cake mix in to cupcakes, chucked in some chopped Oreo’s, iced them and popped Oreo’s on top! I just made these to give the dinner a party feel! Ok and I am a cupcake chocoholic!
This kind of meal for us fed 8, you could make it go further with a $2 garlic bread and a bag of frozen corn cobs also for $2. The trick is to keep it really simple, kids love the simple stuff and simple is easy for you! Make sure when you put the birthday bub to bed you tell them all about the day they were born, it makes them feel really special! Stay tuned as I will also blog about his Lego party that we are having next weekend.
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