If you are looking for ways to start getting healthier, then the first way should be to start being more active as this has to be a high priority. For whatever reason you hate the thought of a gym, you can’t afford a Personal Trainer or you just do not know where to start then this is the post for you. I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer with three young children and I wanted to share a really easy workout that you can try in the comfort of your own home or out in the sun shine with the kids. You do not need any expensive equipment, I will be only using my body weight and what’s at the park across the road from where I live. The kids run around finding bugs, kicking a ball or more often that not they love to join in too.
Warm Up Your Body
The first thing to do is warm up your body, this means to move around at a pace a bit faster than you otherwise would. It can be kicking the ball with the kids, playing chasey with the kids or just a brisk walk to a light jog. This gets your joints warmed up and ready for action. These simple exercises can be for a beginner or someone more advanced, it’s just a matter of how much you do, how hard you go and how long for.
Here is an explanation of each exercise in your new workout:
Step Ups
There is a random brick wall at the park so it becomes my step up spot. It really is as simple as stepping up, stepping back down, switching legs and up again. This is great for getting your heart working harder and great for working your legs and butt. Just keep your head and eyes up, and your belly pulled in.
Push Ups
Push ups aren’t just for soldiers they are for everyone. This is a great exercise for your arms, chest and core. Push your body up and back down, you can do this on your knees while you build up to your toes. Doing it on a bench takes away some of the strain on your back and neck. Make sure you keep a flat back and keep your belly pulled in.
If you’ve had a toddler, you may notice they squat down to pick up everything, this is because it is a very safe and effective move that our body is designed to do. From now on every time you have to pick something up, do a squat rather than reaching down to get it. Squat as far as you feel comfortable ensuring your belly is pulled in and your upper body is held up strong. This is a great exercise for your legs and butt.
Tricep Dips
Another great one for your arms, this targets the back of your upper arms as you lower yourself holding your bodyweight. You simply move up and down under control, holding your belly in tight and keeping your upper body square to your hips.
These are another great leg and butt kicker, lunge down so both legs are at 90 degrees. Keep your knee in line with your toes, belly in and upper body relaxed.
Now to put it all together as an actual workout that you can do at home or in a park today with or without the kids
Step Ups 10 each leg
Push Ups 10, knees or toes
Squats 10
Tricep Dips 10
Lunges 10 each leg
By keeping it really simple you can’t go wrong, stick with 10 repetitions of each exercise, if you are feeling good after the first round try and repeat the workout through again. Write it down and take it with you, get the kids involved in counting or reading what’s next. These very simple five moves work your whole body and get your heart rate up, this is a workout you can do a couple of times a week and soon you can increase your 10s to 15, then to 20s and so on as you get stronger. If you can’t do 10, you keep at it until eventually you can do 10. Enjoy working out, if you are new to it think of it as a gift to yourself, you are doing something today that your future self will thank you for.
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As a mum myself, I love outdoor training. It is challenging to find the time to work out, so I totally enjoy workouts that are efficient, effective and fun like yours. And I believe a good workout outside gets you more health benefits than in the gym. 🙂