It’s no secret, my husband is in the Air Force and is away a ridiculous amount of time but for us we are all very used to it and have had to just evolve and make it work. It’s not easy, I am not Super Mum I don’t believe there really is such a thing, but I try super hard to make life as normal for the kids while he is home or away. He can be as close as QLD or in a very dark place in the Middle East at any given time, but if I sat around constantly worrying about it I would not be able to live a normal life so I just get on with it. It’s funny he came home for the weekend and on Saturday Little Miss 4 was being rude to him, so Mr 8 butts in and announces “be nice to Dad, he is going home tomorrow!”…. Hello this is home, I knew what he meant but that’s how much he’s away.
Today I thought I would share an idea we use to help the kids settle in at the beginning of a trip or anytime they need it really. Before he goes the kids each chose a book for him to take away. At bed time which I can tell you is not one moment after 7pm the kids call him and he reads their chosen story to them. The kids love it and they can then go to sleep in a happy place knowing they have spoken to their Dad. Then I get on the phone and bitch about what a shit day I’ve had as I couldn’t get a park at the pick up zone, or I forgot to pay the rates and now have a double bill, or the rabbit hutch gate is broken, or light globe outside the front door is too hard to get to change, or fuel is $1.60 and I’m sick of filling up the car, or it rained after I hung out the washing, or, oh sorry, you get my drift!
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Lorraine says
This is a lovely idea, My husband sometimes has to work away from home so we do “Face Time” on our iphones so our little girl can see daddy before bed. We will definately do this next time he goes away.
renee01 says
Lorraine, glad you like it, it is a cute little thing to do. R