It’s too cold to go outside and the kids are stuck in the house driving me mad so it was up to me to find activities to keep them busy. They wanted to draw so I set them up at the table with their texta’s and scrap books and with every completed drawing came a request “Mum can you pull this drawing out”. Sick of tears when their art work ended up torn from trying to pull it out of the book I had a great idea.
I rolled out long pieces of baking paper and set it up in front of them and retired their drawing books, they loved it. Their drawings were able to tell entire stories as they now had so much room to draw. One side of the table there is a playground with rainbows and smiles and on the other side of the table there are two tanks shooting each other, oh boy! The kids spent ages on their art work and were very proud of their end products, slightly too big to be stuck on the fridge but well worth it for the ‘leave Mum alone for an hour factor’. Give it a try $2 for baking paper your kids will love it!
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What a great idea! Cheaper than a scrap book and it is continuous.
Yes very cheap and a novelty for the kids, they loved it! R