All my kids were slow to walk, as in around 14 months old and all my kids could climb before they could walk. Mr Chilled One is now pushing 15 months and still wont let go for take off. He will walk all around the house holding on to walks, coffee tables, cupboards, he will also let go and take a few steps towards you saying “Whooow” but then drops to his knees. My little underachiever is not interested in walking he just couldn’t bothered. He is fat and lazy and I love him like that because once he starts walking that means he can cause mass destruction with two free hands, at the moment if he is holding something he is limited to the damage he can cause.
He does have a hidden talent, this kid can climb like a mountain goat! I can no longer yell out “I’m going in the shower, keep and eye on your brother” because as soon as I am out of sight he climbs up on the kitchen table! He loves it, he thinks it’s hilarious! I have had 3 heart attacks this week walking in and seeing him up on the table clapping his hands wanting to share his latest Mt Everest climb success with me to be greeted with a harsh “AH AH AH GET DOWN!!!”
If you have a slow to walk bub don’t panic and don’t compare them to other bubs because they all reach their mile stones at different times. Like I said my other two were slow to walk but now they wont keep still. I am just lucky to have a baby for a bit longer than those who walk at 10 months. Enjoy those little fat legs because soon they grow up and can out run you!
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