This little smoothie I knocked up yesterday afternoon for an antioxidant and vitamin C hit, bam in your face cold virus! The kids are starting with the sniffles and I am feeling a bit run down like I may be next. Not on my watch. If you are starting to feel run down that’s when your immune system probably isn’t at its peek condition. So instead of accepting defeat I hit back with healthy smoothies as medicine.
Today’s smoothie is dairy free so it gets bonus points for anyone lactose intolerant. I thought it would come out green but it seems the raspberries got the final say in what it looked like.
The vitamin C in the Kiwi assists the body in absorbing iron, that’s why I put spinach in as it’s full of iron.
Blue Berries
Kiwi Fruit (I am loving the mini Kiwi Fruits popping up in Supermarkets)
Squeeze of lime
Cranberry Juice
Pop spinach in first to give it a head start, blend until reduced. Add the rest and wiz your little cup of amazing. It is really tangy and refreshing, no wasted pulp you drink the whole lot. Why is this so great for you? The antioxidants and vitamin C levels in these selected fruits are high so they will help your immune system fend of that child care cold your boogie nose kids are carrying.
When you are hungry next, you are more than likely thirsty so whip up one of these bad boys!
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Looks delicious renee 🙂 but do you spell check your posts? I just frequently see spelling errors and it looks unprofessional in my opinion…
Mahi, Where do I start… let me say I missed something in Primary School and for my entire life I have really struggled with my spelling. This held me back all my life and had a lot to do with me joining the Army as I honestly felt ‘too dumb’ to do anything else. I do this blog unpaid with the simple intent to help others sharing what works for me. Spelling is my weakness. More often than not I am writing these posts constantly being interpreted by the kids. However I am not going to let it hold me back from doing what I love and being who I am! Thank you for reading, thank you for your comment. Renee
You always have such interesting & informative stuff to share Renee, so just wanted to say thanks as you inspire me! Keep on blogging 🙂 Amanda
Amanda, thank you so much, such a nice comment to wake up to this morning. thanks for reading. R