A while ago I posted about how I avoid the 3PM Crash and Crave by having my daily 3PM Super Mum Smoothie. I have since received many emails and comments from my readers asking for more information on protein shakes. So today I am going to pass on what I have learnt and what works for me in the hope to answer everyone’s questions.
First of all here is what I know about protein and why it is so important to try and include every time you eat. Protein helps your body repair muscle, grow tissue, regulate hormones, control metabolism, and defend against illness. I could stop there that’s enough to make it a priority already right? Protein is what makes up your ligaments, tendons, muscles, hair, nails, skin, teeth, tissue, organs, and bones. About half of the non-water mass of your body is made up of protein. Long story short each day do yourself a favour drink more water and eat more protein.
Women are a bit hard done by in the fact that we are programed to crave carbs, you’d rather a slice of mud cake than a boiled egg right? So the best way to combat this genetic default is to up your protein, and or eat some protein each time you tuck in to your favourite carbs. Don’t be scared of protein I’m not talking body builder amounts and no you absolutely will not bulk up by consuming extra protein unless you are in training with weights for 2 hours a day I think you will be safe. I am talking about ways to include it in your daily diet. Today write down everything you eat, don’t cheat and leave the snickers bar off because no one saw you eat it. This is just a check list for your eyes only for you to recognise that you probably are eating mostly carbs and not much to no protein all day.
Unlike carbs protein can’t be stored by your body so you need to eat it everyday. I try to eat it with each meal, it really keeps you fuller for longer. I am not saying go all Jennifer Aniston and totally ditch the carbs, I am saying clean up your carbs and get some protein on your plate.
Ways to include protein in your diet:
Cheese with your crackers
Greek Yoghurt with your sandwhich ditch the mayo
Add almonds to your ceral
Add cottage cheese to your toast
Add eggs to your breakfast
Add lentils to soup, pasta dishes, rice dishes no one will even notice
The idea is to try and eat a protien with every meal, so each time you eat something full of carbs by adding the protien you lower the GI which means it takes longer to digest and isn’t just sent right to your butt.
If you have just found my blog be sure to ‘Like’ my blogs Facebook page so you get all my tips on organising, DIY, parenting, meals, gardening, party planning, just anything to do with channelling your inner Supermum! Feel free to share any links with your other yummy mummy friends to help them too!

Great article, thanks! I like the long list of examples.
i love using greek yogurt to make salad dressings (3 teaspoons yoghurt, half teaspoon mustard, pepper, and lemon juice is yummy!) or making a tuna and yoghurt mix to fill in a pitta bread.