Tis the season not to be a perfectionist!
Well I am working on that concept anyway. Normally I really get in to Christmas and go all Martha Stewart, I love it. I turn in to this happy Christmas Fairy that doctorates the whole house, bakes, ices tiny gingerbread houses and was always the proud owner of the perfectly decorated Christmas Tree. NOT THIS YEAR!!
Yesterday was the 1st of December so it was Christmas Tree day. This year for the first time ever I had no desire to rearrange the way the kids decorated the tree. I had no desire to delicately hang every bauble in the perfect place dictated by size and weight, nor did I panic when the kids put tinsel on the tree. I just helped them and let them enjoy it, even Mr One got right in to it in fact I think he did more than the others.
I am calling myself a recovering Christmas Perfectionist, well that’s the plan anyway. I’ve spent too much of my life trying to make everything perfect, perfect doesn’t exist it just detracts from an already perfect situation. You pay a high price being a perfectionist at Christmas it really takes a lot of the enjoyment out of it, and it becomes one big stress fest. Not this year not anymore, this year I have a daggy tree and I am going to sit back and enjoy it rather than spending the next 24 days trying to achieve the perfect Hollywood Christmas. This year an ordinary Christmas will be a happy Christmas for me. There wont be snow in Africa this Christmas, take nothing for granted.
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Good to hear you’re reforming. We’ve done a similar thing in that our Christmas now is all about the kids and having a fun day with them and their new gifts instead of traipsing over the country side visiting family we never usually see (and who barely even remember your name) and eating the perfect roast meal (which I make every Monday night anyway). I reckon chill out and enjoy the day and get back the true meaning of Christmas.
Yep, that’s my goal too! I have walked past the tree a few times and had to stop myself from fixing it!! Baby steps right!! R