Hey everyone, I would like you to meet Amy and share her amazing transformation with you. Amy right here is a great transformation to share for multiple reasons because she really represents two things to me, hard work and trusting your the process.
Amy came to me back in January looking for some help on how to get healthy. The first thing I did was ask Amy to keep a food diary for the weekend so I could understand what she was eating. She wasn’t very active, had an old knee injury that played at the back of her mind and with little energy really didn’t move her body much at all. Amy shared her food diary with me which to be frank was full of sugar, the foods she was eating were off the menu of a kids party but everyday. I am not going to sugar coat it, this is what separates me from others, I am not here to make friends I am here to change your life for the better and if that means being the bad cop and telling you the truth then I am prepared to do just that, because I want you to succeed more than anyone and I will stop at nothing to make it happen for you. The first step is identifying where you are going wrong, showing you a better way and keeping you on track.
Following my #Bodyback Clean Eating Guidelines eBook Amy slowly changed the way she ate. The first common obstacle is protest from the family, they like their habits and may also not know better, so if you are experiencing this now, it’s standard, stay strong for you. Amy showed up to my workouts rain hail or shine, she let me push her when she needed to be pushed, she asked questions and she trusted the process. Look at her now.
Gone is the shy self conscious Amy, replaced with a confident smile and a massively improved self esteem and general wellness. Amy is now full of energy and is over 10kgs lighter. The best part is Amy will stay like this because unlike a diet of shakes, diet frozen meals, detox teas or food group deprivation my plan enables you to become educated on what to eat for you body, when and why. Amy has changed her lifestyle giving her long term success. Well done Amy very inspiring.

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