My eldest son has never really shown much interest in an after school activity which was fine by me. To be honest I had been dreading the day he did ask to do something as I could just imagine how much of a pain in the butt it would be dragging the other two along for the ride. A week ago he brought home a flyer from school for new ‘Drama School’ starting in our area and he was desperate to give it a go. I wanted so badly to talk him out of it, OK I did try but he was so keen it would have been just plain selfish for me to say no.
The problem I have is in order for everything to run to plan in this house I run with a very tight routine. School pick up is at 330pm, dinner is at 5pm, baby to bed at 530pm big kids to bed at 7pm, I’m talking on the dot! It’s just how I cope, knowing what’s coming next. It works for us perfectly. Throw in Drama School on a Monday night that doesn’t start until 5pm, I was already having heart palpition’s just thinking about it.
So I dropped him off, somehow having read that the first night was a ‘come try for free night’ oh no, read that wrong didn’t I. I now needed to pull $11 out of my butt! He found some mates from school who were also doing it, so I took the others to nip out to an ATM in search of $11, why don’t I ever carry cash? Anyhow I get back and it’s now almost 6pm. The other two are hungry, grisly and over it. I walk in and three different Mum’s tell me how they were looking for me as my son had a blood lip! OMG! Poor thing they were playing a trust game with a blindfold and his group let him walk in to a wall, I tried not to laugh pretending to be concerned.
I’m trying to pay the infamous $11, knowing if I put the little guy down he will run all over the place. I give up, he wins, I put down my giant one year old. Anyway long story short he falls off a chair and is screaming, then Little Miss 4 hurts her arm while playing. So didn’t I look like a cluster of a Mum, one kid has a blood lip and I’m nowhere to be seen, one kid falls off a chair and one kid is crying her tired eyes out. Dam your Drama School I already have enough Drama in my life! Then I thought, who cares!
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