Tonight my sister has my kids at her house, oh yes she does! In fact they have been there all day, yep all day. It has been and I am not afraid to say it, a nice, quiet, refreshing, much needed break! It does get tough just me and the kids sometimes. I am not going to pretend each day is a breeze, it isn’t, each day is a challenge let me tell you. I actually wore my heart rate monitor the other morning whilst I got the kids and bags from the house to the car for the daily school drop off and let me tell you, it got my heart rate up into the fat burning zone! I knew it got pretty crazy some mornings so I jut wanted to see the impact it has on the inside of your body. “Where’s you bag?”, “Stop pulling your socks off”, “What do you mean you need to pee now I have strapped you in?”, “Why didn’t you tell me you need $4 for the fate when we were inside?” etc etc Yes even just wrangling kids can get your heart rate up.
Most nights Little Miss 4 wakes up around 2am a habit since she was little. She goes back to bed and back to sleep right away but I can never get back to sleep. I get woken up early, so early usually by Little Miss 4 coming to dob on her older brother. Yes you probably wake up to the sound of birds chirping I wake up to her dobbing, when will that phase pass? If I try and keep sleeping I feel guilty when I hear Mr Chilled 1 through the wall saying ‘Mummy, num num?’ which translates to ‘Mum get up and get me out of this cot and whip me up some breaky!’, so up I get. But not tomorrow, no no tomorrow I sleep in.
Tonight I will eat the chocolate without having to hide it or share it, I will pee in the toilet all alone, oh I can’t wait for that one. I may even have a shower with the door open knowing no one will walk in. I will read the June Better Homes and Gardens Magazine I bought but never got to sit down with, I will not be making miniature dinners in miniature plastic bowls, I will not be wiping noses or changing nappies. Tonight I do whatever I want, and to be honest it’s to go to bed and do nothing!
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Sounds like heaven! The last time I was away from all of my kids (3) was my 10th wedding anniversary (we have now been married 14 years). Enjoy!! 😀
Julie, thanks, I have woken up fresh and it was as good as I had hoped! Slept in until 830am! R
Now that is what I call a lie-in!