Can’t afford a tummy tuck, you don’t need one keep reading! You have a baby your stomach is never going to be the same again, this is true, but it doesn’t mean you can’t make the most of what you have. Everyone has a Swiss ball in their house, come on we have all been given one for Mother’s Day or bought one with good intentions. What are you supposed to do with the dumb thing? Well let me show you what works for me. If you have just had a baby, after you get the all clear from the Doctor you need to give your core some love or it will just flop all over the place for the rest of your life. If you have had a c-section it takes awhile to even be able to do these, but start today, stick at it and you will feel the strength come back to your core. So like I said, here’s what’s worked for me:
Hands on the ground, legs on the ball. Beginners start on shins (left pic), build up to feet (right pic). Do 3 sets holding for 10 seconds each. Hop off and have a rest, now hop back on!
Back up in the plank position with shins on the ball, roll the ball in using your core strength bringing your knees in, then back out again. If you have had a c-section this will be really hard but this is why you must stick at it to re-strengthen your core. 3 sets of 10.
No not cooking, come down and give your arms a rest. Back on the ball, feet on the ground and reach out from left to front to the right in a stirring motion. 20 in one direction, 20 in the other. Bigger circles the better.
PLANK: Back up on the ball in with your hands on the ball and feet on the ground this time. Hold for 60 seconds. The ball will move so hold your core on tight. PUSH UP: Swap it over, feet on the ball and lower your upper body down for a push up. This is great for your core and we are sneaking a bit of chest and shoulders in too. Do as many as you can.
As close to a sit up as you get, lay back on the ball and raise your upper body with arms up like you are climbing a rope. Do 3 sets of 12. You are done!
That’s it girls, that is what I mean by getting active. I didn’t leave the house, I didn’t spend a cent yet I have worked my core and now feel great. For the rest of the day I will stand a little taller and hold my belly in a little tighter. You do not have to do 100 sit ups to fix your core, in fact you do not need to do any sit ups. If you don’t have a ball you can also do all of these exercises on the ground. I had Mr One playing near by while Mr 8 took this pics so it can be done even with kids at home. I did work up a sweat and at times was puffing while doing these exercises so if you feel that you know it’s working.
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